
Showing posts from January, 2020

RESEPI: Cara Berlauk

Ni kali kedua sebenarnya buat kuih cara versi berlauk. Kali pertama haritu macam hm sikitlah hahahahaha jap mana tah gambarnya. KEJAP! Ada yg terlebih daun sup sampai tutup daging, ada yg ter-kedekut daging. Sendunya aku ni buat kuih. Kuning pucat sbb takda pewarna kuning :( — izz ✨🦄 (@hzwnizz) October 22, 2019 Ok, kesilapan & kekurangan aku masa pertama kali buat adalah: Warna kuning pucat sebab takda pewarna kuning. PEDAS sebab cili tu aku potong dna hiris kecil tapi tak buang biji. Maka, kali kedua ni aku cuba improvise mana yang bolehlah. Haritu buat guna resepi lain, dagingnya lepas ditumis dan digoreng, ia nampak menyelerakan tau. Tapi aku tak faham tulisan aku dalam buku resepi sendiri jadi terpaksa search resepi lain dan olah sendiri. Resepi asal: BAHAN-BAHAN: INTI DAGING: Daging  cincang 1000gm Setengah bawang holland (dihiris halus) 2 ulas bawang putih (hiris halus) Kiub pati lembu MAGGI (nak guna r

To myself, ten years ago

Credit: Pinterest You won’t believe what I see from this vantage point, the years stretching out before you like a long and winding road. I don’t want to scare you, but there is a forest just up ahead. One so dense and dark, the sunlight won’t reach you for awhile. You will wander lost, in this long, perilous night, not knowing if it will ever come to an end. But believe me, the light will find you again, and when it does, you will no longer be afraid of the dark. Stop to catch your breath. Soon, a jagged mountain will rise before you, so steep it will make you want to turn back around. Don’t despair; the first foothold is always the most difficult and every inch you claim of that cold, hard precipice will make you stronger. Before you know it, the ground will level out beneath you, and you will look back to see you had conquered what you once thought impossible. See that turn just up ahead? That’s the place where love will meet you, with arms so warm it will melt away the win

Dapat telinga baru lagi

Haluuuuuu Assalammualaikum I'm back. Sebab aku dah penat nak kena ulang skrip sama, cite habis la kat sini eh kenapa kena masuk hospital. Nanti orang tanya lagi, kita screenshot pastu forward je terus. Habis cite. Siap explain kenapa kena operate dan mcm mana layanan doktor & nurses HTAA. Jangan risau, tak ada kecam mengecam, sume okieee! Promise! ------ 'check in' : 19/01/2020 Operate : 20/01/2020 Operate apa? Telinga. Sebab? Gegendang telinga berlubang sejak kecik lagi. Nak tau kenapa berlubang tu tanya mak aku pulak lah. Lepastu mcm dah tutup eh? Sbb doktor cakap kanak2 ni boleh sembuh sendiri apeke. Tak lama, berlubang balik. 2013, operate. 2014 jadi balik. 2018 nak operate tapi entah mana datang keajaiban, doktor cancel sbb kata telinga dah okay. 2019 jumpa pakar semula sbb telinga bernanah, sakit. Kali ni kasi jadi la haha. Ok clear tak tu? ----- 19/01/2020 - hospital cakap paling lewat masuk pukul 2, maka pukul 2 la kami sampai. Nurse bagi baju sur